Calculate your Smart Onboarding Cost Savings

Get your results within minutes

Estimated time to input your variables is less than one minute. One minute could save you hundreds of thousands of dollars per year
and increase employee productivity on day one!
If you are a staffing organization, click here for our staffing ROI calculator
Be sure to check your SPAM filter for the results email

Download The ROI of Employee Onboarding

According to the Aberdeen Group, more than 60 percent of the organizations with a well-developed onboarding process have been able to improve their time-to productivity rates.

You want more? Sign up for a demo from SmartERP


In your live interactive demo you will:

  • Experience the new hire process – work through the forms required to complete the onboarding process
  • Explore the features that will aid your HR Team, including reviewing the new hire’s forms, I-9 Form, tax forms and more
  • Configure the onboarding process, including the use of images and media to wow and engage your new hires